How many elderly people live in nursing homes in Spain?

Eventhough news outlets and social networks publish data about the number of nursing homes and people living in them, as of March 2021 there are no reliable statistics on the population who live in care homes in Spain. There are some data that describes different dwellings where older people live but they don’t refer exactly to nursing homes. During 2020 the Covid-19 health emergency led to a high number of deaths among the elderly, specially those living in care homes. This terrible event has highlighted the scarce and scattered information and the general lack of knowledge about life in care homes, very close to a general social, political and health neglect, which has unnecessarily damaged the image and the good work of most of these institutions and the staff who work in them. Envejecimientoenred, a web site that deals with elder statistics, tried to fill the gap publishing a report in mid 2020. They estimated that on average 322,180 people aged 65 and over live i...