
Showing posts from November, 2021

Innovation and Nursing Homes

  After the emergence of the SAR-Cov2, a lot of people is talking about the approach to the change of model of the nursing homes for dependent elderly people, even more a lot of people who don’t know the reality of social services are giving opinions on this theme, digressing and proposing measures that are far from models of equity in our society. Although there are different interpretations and validity of the proposals, there is a consensus of all that the model should change ant the direct attentions to the users must be improved. The evolution trend of our populations pyramid is known to all, in which there will be an increasing number of people over to 65 years, and therefore a greater number of dependent people, who require specialized care. Face to this situation, any action must be considered taking into account demographic evolution (due to the increase in older people both in absolute and relative value) and above all taking into account economic stability. So we start f...