How much do people working in care homes in Spain earn?
Labour relations in Spain are usually regulated through collective bargaining agreements, which means that trade unions and employers' associations agree on the working conditions of a given sector.
In the case of nursing homes in Spain, there is a VII Collective Agreement on Dependency which is in force until the next one is negotiated.
According to the collective agreement, people working in nursing homes in Spain work a total of 1,792 hours per year according to a work schedule that also has to meet the requirements of the agreement.
Although the collective agreement is, in principle, for all care homes in Spain, it is true that some regions have their own collective agreement. This is the case of Valencia, Galicia or the Basque Country.
If someone wants to buy or build a nursing home in Spain, he or she should check whether the area where it is to be set up has its own collective agreement.
The collective agreement also sets the salary and working conditions.
These are the salary tables that apply in Spanish nursing homes in 2021. They are the same as in 2019 because, according to the current collective agreement, two conditions must be met for a wage increase to take place: that the CPI is positive and that the growth of the GDP economy is higher than 2%.
During 2020, because of the pandemic, the economy did not grow, so wages remain frozen.
Although the collective agreement and the salary tables can serve as a reference to know what a professional working in a nursing home earns, the truth is that, in most of Spain, it is impossible to hire a nurse or a physiotherapist for the salary set by the salary tables of the collective agreement. For this reason, it is very important, when considering entering the nursing home sector in Spain, to have the right advice that will allow you to draw up an adjusted work schedule that takes into account the possibility of sick leave and salaries that are also adjusted according to the professional category beyond what is determined by the collective bargaining agreement.
Do you need to estimate how many workers does a nursing home actually need? Contact Eai Consultoria
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